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Go Templates

template expressions use the Go Text Template library with some additional functions provided by the gomplate library. In this example we get the current exchange rate:

kind: Canary
name: http-check
- name: USD
template: "$1 = €{{.json.rates.EUR}}, £{{.json.rates.GBP}}, ₪{{.json.rates.ILS}}"


In case you might need to pass in a template variable without templating it, then you can put the template inside a string. Example:

{{ .secret }}

To send {{ .secret }} as it is do this

{{`{{ .secret }}`}}



Encode data as a Base64 string. Specifically, this uses the standard Base64 encoding as defined in RFC4648 §4 (and not the URL-safe encoding).

{{ base64.Encode "hello world" }} // aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
{{ "hello world" | base64.Encode }} // aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=


Decode a Base64 string. This supports both standard (RFC4648 §4) and URL-safe (RFC4648 §5) encodings.

This function outputs the data as a string, so it may not be appropriate for decoding binary data. Use base64.DecodeBytes for binary data.

{{ base64.Decode "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" }} // hello world
{{ "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" | base64.Decode }} // hello world

For the functions that return an array, a Go []interface{} is returned, regardless of whether or not the input was a different type.



Dict is a convenience function that creates a map with string keys. Provide arguments as key/value pairs. If an odd number of arguments is provided, the last is used as the key, and an empty string is set as the value.

All keys are converted to strings.

This function is equivalent to Sprig's dict function, as used in Helm templates.

For creating more complex maps, see data.JSON or data.YAML.

For creating arrays, see coll.Slice.

{{ coll.Dict "name" "Frank" "age" 42 | data.ToYAML }}

// age: 42
// name: Frank

{{ dict 1 2 3 | toJSON }} // {"1":2,"3":""}

{{ define "T1" }}Hello {{ .thing }}!{{ end -}}
{{ template "T1" (dict "thing" "world")}}
{{ template "T1" (dict "thing" "everybody")}}

// Hello world!
// Hello everybody!


Creates a slice (like an array or list). Useful when needing to range over a bunch of variables.

{{ range slice "Bart" "Lisa" "Maggie" }}Hello, {{ . }}{{ end }}

// Hello, Bart
// Hello, Lisa
// Hello, Maggie


Reports whether a given object has a property with the given key, or whether a given array/slice contains the given value. Can be used with if to prevent the template from trying to access a non-existent property in an object.

{{ $l := slice "foo" "bar" "baz" }}there is {{ if has $l "bar" }}a{{else}}no{{end}} bar // there is a bar

{{ $o := dict "foo" "bar" "baz" "qux" }}
{{ if has $o "foo" }}{{ $ }}{{ else }}THERE IS NO FOO{{ end }} // bar


Extracts portions of an input object or list using a JSONPath expression.

Any object or list may be used as input. The output depends somewhat on the expression; if multiple items are matched, an array is returned.

{{ .books | jsonpath `$[?( @.edition_count > 400 )].title` }} // [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Gulliver's Travels]


Filters an input object or list using the jq language, as implemented by gojq.

Any JSON datatype may be used as input (NOTE: strings are not JSON-parsed but passed in as is). If the expression results in multiple items (no matter if streamed or as an array) they are wrapped in an array. Otherwise a single item is returned (even if resulting in an array with a single contained element).

JQ filter expressions can be tested at jqplay

See also:

Where books is from fantasy.json

{{ .books | jq `[.works[]|{"title":.title,"authors":[.authors[].name],"published":.first_publish_year}][0]` }}

// map[authors:[Lewis Carroll] published:1865 title:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland]


Return a list of keys in one or more maps.

The keys will be ordered first by map position (if multiple maps are given), then alphabetically.

See also coll.Values.

{{ coll.Keys (dict "foo" 1 "bar" 2) }} // [bar foo]


Return a list of values in one or more maps.

The values will be ordered first by map position (if multiple maps are given), then alphabetically by key.

See also coll.Keys.

{{ coll.Values (dict "foo" 1 "bar" 2) }} // [2 1]


Append a value to the end of a list.

Note that this function does not change the given list; it always produces a new one.

{{ slice 1 1 2 3 | append 5 }} // [1 1 2 3 5]


Prepend a value to the beginning of a list.

Note that this function does not change the given list; it always produces a new one.

{{ slice 4 3 2 1 | prepend 5 }} // [5 4 3 2 1]


Remove any duplicate values from the list, without changing order.

Note that this function does not change the given list; it always produces a new one.

{{ slice 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 5 | uniq }} // [1 2 3 4 5]


Flatten a nested list. Defaults to completely flattening all nested lists, but can be limited with depth.

Note that this function does not change the given list; it always produces a new one.

{{ "[[1,2],[],[[3,4],[[[5],6],7]]]" | jsonArray | flatten }} // [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
{{ coll.Flatten 2 ("[[1,2],[],[[3,4],[[[5],6],7]]]" | jsonArray) }} // [1 2 3 4 [[5] 6] 7]


Reverse a list.

Note that this function does not change the given list; it always produces a new one.

{{ slice 4 3 2 1 | reverse }} // [1 2 3 4]


Sort a given list. Uses the natural sort order if possible. For inputs that are not sortable (either because the elements are of different types, or of an un-sortable type), the input will simply be returned, unmodified.

Maps and structs can be sorted by a named key.

Note that this function does not modify the input.

{{ slice "foo" "bar" "baz" | coll.Sort }} // [bar baz foo]
{{ sort (slice 3 4 1 2 5) }} // [1 2 3 4 5]


Merge maps together by overriding src with dst. In other words, the src map can be configured the "default" map, whereas the dst map can be configured the "overrides". Many source maps can be provided. Precedence is in left-to-right order.

Note that this function does not modify the input.

{{ $default := dict "foo" 1 "bar" 2}}
{{ $config := dict "foo" 8 }}
{{ merge $config $default }}

// map[bar:2 foo:8]
{{ $dst := dict "foo" 1 "bar" 2 }}
{{ $src1 := dict "foo" 8 "baz" 4 }}
{{ $src2 := dict "foo" 3 "bar" 5 }}
{{ coll.Merge $dst $src1 $src2 }}

// map[foo:1 bar:5 baz:4]


Given a map, returns a new map with any entries that have the given keys.

All keys are converted to strings. Note that this function does not modify the input.

{{ $data := dict "foo" 1 "bar" 2 "baz" 3 }}
{{ $pickedData := coll.Pick "foo" "baz" $data }}
{{ $pickedData }}

// map[baz:3 foo:1]


Given a map, returns a new map without any entries that have the given keys.

All keys are converted to strings.

Note that this function does not modify the input.

{{ $data := dict "foo" 1 "bar" 2 "baz" 3 }}
{{ $newData := coll.Omit "foo" "baz" $data }}
{{ $newData }}

// map[bar:2]



Note: See also conv.ToBool for a more flexible variant.

Converts a true-ish string to a boolean. Can be used to simplify conditional statements based on environment variables or other text input.

{{ $FOO := true }}
{{ if $FOO }}foo{{ else }}bar{{ end }} // foo


Provides a default value given an empty input. Empty inputs are 0 for numeric types, "" for strings, false for booleans, empty arrays/maps, and nil.

Note that this will not provide a default for the case where the input is undefined (i.e. referencing things like .foo where there is no foo field of .), but conv.Has can be used for that.

{{ "" | default "foo" }} // foo
{{ "bar" | default "baz" }} // bar


Dict is a convenience function that creates a map with string keys. Provide arguments as key/value pairs. If an odd number of arguments is provided, the last is used as the key, and an empty string is set as the value.

All keys are converted to strings.

This function is equivalent to Sprig's dict function, as used in Helm templates.

For creating more complex maps, see data.JSON or data.YAML.

For creating arrays, see conv.Slice.

{{ $dict := conv.Dict "name" "Frank" "age" 42 }}
{{ $yaml := data.ToYAML $dict }}
{{ $yaml }}

// age: 42
// name: Frank

{{ dict 1 2 3 | toJSON }} // {"1":2,"3":""}


Creates a slice (like an array or list). Useful when needing to range over a bunch of variables.

{{ range slice "Bart" "Lisa" "Maggie" }}Hello, {{ . }}{{ end }}
// Hello, Bart
// Hello, Lisa
// Hello, Maggie


Reports whether a given object has a property with the given key, or whether a given array/slice contains the given value. Can be used with if to prevent the template from trying to access a non-existent property in an object.

{{ $l := slice "foo" "bar" "baz" }}there is {{ if has $l "bar" }}a{{else}}no{{end}} bar // there is a bar
{{ $o := dict "foo" "bar" }} // Defining a map with keys and values
{{ if has $o "foo" }}{{ index $o "foo" }}{{ else }}THERE IS NO FOO{{ end }} // bar
{{ $o := dict "baz" "quix" }}
{{ if has $o "foo" }}{{ index $o "foo" }}{{ else }}THERE IS NO FOO{{ end }} // THERE IS NO FOO


Concatenates the elements of an array to create a string. The separator string sep is placed between elements in the resulting string.

{{ $a := slice 1 2 3 }}{{ join $a "-" }} // 1-2-3


Parses a string as a URL for later use. Equivalent to url.Parse

Any of url.URL's methods can be called on the result.

{{ ($u := conv.URL "").Host }} //
{{ (conv.URL "").Redacted }} //


Note: See conv.ToInt64 instead for a simpler and more flexible variant of this function.

Parses a string as an int64. Equivalent to strconv.ParseInt

{{ $hexVal := "7C0" }} {{/* Equivalent to 1984 in decimal */}}
{{ $val := int64 0 }} {{/* Initialize $val to ensure it's of the right type for ParseInt */}}
{{- $val = conv.ParseInt $hexVal 16 32 -}}
The value in decimal is {{ $val }}

// The value in decimal is 1984


Note: See conv.ToFloat instead for a simpler and more flexible variant of this function.

Parses a string as an float64 for later use. Equivalent to strconv.ParseFloat

{{ $pi := "3.14159265359" }}
{{ $piFloat := conv.ParseFloat $pi 64 }}
{{- if gt $piFloat 3.0 -}}
pi is greater than 3
{{- end }}

// pi is greater than 3


Parses a string as an uint64 for later use. Equivalent to strconv.ParseUint

{{ $maxInt64 := conv.ParseInt $BIG 16 64 }} is max int64 // 9223372036854775807 is max int64
{{ $maxUint64 := conv.ParseUint $BIG 16 64 }} is max uint64 // 18446744073709551615 is max uint64


Converts the input to a boolean value. Possible true values are: 1 or the strings "t", "true", or "yes" (any capitalizations). All other values are considered false.

{{ conv.ToBool "yes" }} {{ conv.ToBool true }} {{ conv.ToBool "0x01" }} // true true true
{{ conv.ToBool false }} {{ conv.ToBool "blah" }} {{ conv.ToBool 0 }} // false false false


Converts a list of inputs to an array of boolean values. Possible true values are: 1 or the strings "t", "true", or "yes" (any capitalizations). All other values are considered false.

{{ conv.ToBools "yes" true "0x01" }} // [true true true]
{{ conv.ToBools false "blah" 0 }} // [false false false]


Converts the input to an int64 (64-bit signed integer).

This function attempts to convert most types of input (strings, numbers, and booleans), but behavior when the input can not be converted is undefined and subject to change. Unconvertible inputs may result in errors, or 0 or -1.

Floating-point numbers (with decimal points) are truncated.

{{conv.ToInt64 "9223372036854775807"}} // 9223372036854775807
{{conv.ToInt64 "0x42"}} // 66
{{conv.ToInt64 true }} // 1


Converts the input to an int (signed integer, 32- or 64-bit depending on platform). This is similar to conv.ToInt64 on 64-bit platforms, but is useful when input to another function must be provided as an int.

On 32-bit systems, given a number that is too large to fit in an int, the result is -1. This is done to protect against CWE-190 and CWE-681.

See also conv.ToInt64.

{{conv.ToInt "9223372036854775807"}} // 9223372036854775807
{{conv.ToInt "0x42"}} // 66
{{conv.ToInt true }} // 1


Converts the inputs to an array of int64s.

{{ conv.ToInt64s true 0x42 "123,456.99" "1.2345e+3"}} // [1 66 123456 1234]


Converts the inputs to an array of ints.

{{ conv.ToInts true 0x42 "123,456.99" "1.2345e+3"}} // [1 66 123456 1234]


Converts the input to a float64.

This function attempts to convert most types of input (strings, numbers, and booleans), but behavior when the input can not be converted is undefined and subject to change. Unconvertible inputs may result in errors, or 0 or -1.

{{ conv.ToFloat64 "8.233e-1"}} // 0.8233
{{ conv.ToFloat64 "9,000.09"}} // 9000.09


Converts the inputs to an array of float64s.

This delegates to conv.ToFloat64 for each input argument.

{{ conv.ToFloat64s true 0x42 "123,456.99" "1.2345e+3"}} // [1 66 123456.99 1234.5]


Converts the input (of any type) to a string.

The input will always be represented in some way.

{{ conv.ToString 0xFF }} // 255
{{ dict "foo" "bar" | conv.ToString}} // map[foo:bar]
{{ conv.ToString nil }} // nil


Converts the inputs (of any type) to an array of strings

{{ conv.ToStrings nil 42 true 0xF (slice 1 2 3) }} // [nil 42 true 15 [1 2 3]]



Compute a checksum with a SHA-1 or SHA-2 algorithm as defined in RFC 3174 (SHA-1) and FIPS 180-4 (SHA-2).

These functions output the binary result as a hexadecimal string.

Warning: SHA-1 is cryptographically broken and should not be used for secure applications.

{{ crypto.SHA1 "foo" }} // f1d2d2f924e986ac86fdf7b36c94bcdf32beec15
{{ crypto.SHA512 "bar" }} // cc06808cbbee0510331aa97974132e8dc296aeb795be229d064bae784b0a87a5cf4281d82e8c99271b75db2148f08a026c1a60ed9cabdb8cac6d24242dac4063



Converts a JSON string into an object. Works for JSON Objects, but will also parse JSON Arrays. Will not parse other valid JSON types.

For more explicit JSON Array support, see data.JSONArray.

{{  ('{"hello":"world"}' | json).hello }} // world


Converts a JSON string into a slice. Only works for JSON Arrays.

{{ ('[ "you", "world" ]' | jsonArray) 1 }} // world


Converts a YAML string into an object. Works for YAML Objects but will also parse YAML Arrays. This can be used to access properties of YAML objects.

For more explicit YAML Array support, see data.JSONArray.

{{ $FOO := "hello: world" }}
Hello {{ (yaml $FOO).hello }} // Hello world


Converts a YAML string into a slice. Only works for YAML Arrays.

{{ $FOO := "hello: world" }}
Hello {{ (yaml $FOO).hello }} // Hello world


Converts a TOML document into an object. This can be used to access properties of TOML documents.

{{ $t := `[data]
hello = "world"` }}
Hello {{ (toml $t).data.hello }} //Hello world


Converts a CSV-format string into a 2-dimensional string array.

By default, the RFC 4180 format is supported, but any single-character delimiter can be specified.

{{ $c := `C,32
COBOL,357` }}
{{ range ($c | csv) }}
{{ index . 0 }} has {{ index . 1 }} keywords.
{{ end }}
C has 32 keywords.
Go has 25 keywords.
COBOL has 357 keywords.


Converts a CSV-format string into a slice of maps.

By default, the RFC 4180 format is supported, but any single-character delimiter can be specified.

Also by default, the first line of the string will be assumed to be the header, but this can be overridden by providing an explicit header, or auto-indexing can be used.

{{ $c := `lang,keywords
COBOL,357` }}
{{ range ($c | csvByRow) }}
{{ .lang }} has {{ .keywords }} keywords.
{{ end }}
C has 32 keywords.
Go has 25 keywords.
COBOL has 357 keywords.


Like csvByRow, except that the data is presented as a columnar (column-oriented) map.

{{ $c := `C;32
COBOL;357` }}
{{ $langs := ($c | csvByColumn ";" "lang,keywords").lang }}
{{ range $langs }}
{{ . }}
{{ end }}



Converts an object to a JSON document. Input objects may be the result of json, yaml, jsonArray, or yamlArray functions

{{ (`{"foo":{"hello":"world"}}` | json).foo | toJSON }} // {"hello":"world"}


Converts an object to a pretty-printed (or indented) JSON document. Input objects may be the result of functions like data.JSON, data.YAML, data.JSONArray, or data.YAMLArray functions.

The indent string must be provided as an argument.

{{ `{"hello":"world"}` | data.JSON | data.ToJSONPretty "  " }}
"hello": "world"


Converts an object to a YAML document. Input objects may be the result of data.JSON, data.YAML, data.JSONArray, or data.YAMLArray functions.

This is obviously contrived - data.JSON is used to create an object.

{{ (`{"foo":{"hello":"world"}}` | data.JSON).foo | data.ToYAML }} // hello: world


Converts an object to a TOML document.

{{ `{"foo":"bar"}` | data.JSON | data.ToTOML }} // foo = "bar"


Converts an object to a CSV document. The input object must be a 2-dimensional array of strings (a [][]string). Objects produced by data.CSVByRow and data.CSVByColumn cannot yet be converted back to CSV documents.

Note: With the exception that a custom delimiter can be used, data.ToCSV outputs according to the RFC 4180 format, which means that line terminators are CRLF (Windows format, or \r\n). If you require LF (UNIX format, or \n), the output can be piped through strings.ReplaceAll to replace "\r\n" with "\n".

Note: With the exception that a custom delimiter can be used, data.ToCSV outputs according to the RFC 4180 format, which means that line terminators are CRLF (Windows format, or \r\n). If you require LF (UNIX format, or \n), the output can be piped through strings.ReplaceAll to replace "\r\n" with "\n".

{{ $rows := (jsonArray `[["first","second"],["1","2"],["3","4"]]`) -}}
{{ data.ToCSV ";" $rows }}



Returns the last element of path. Trailing path separators are removed before extracting the last element. If the path is empty, Base returns .. If the path consists entirely of separators, Base returns a single separator.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.Base function.

{{ filepath.Base "/tmp/foo" }} // foo


Clean returns the shortest path name equivalent to path by purely lexical processing.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.Clean function.

{{ filepath.Clean "/tmp//foo/../" }} // /tmp


Returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.Dir function.

{{ filepath.Dir "/tmp/foo" }} // /tmp


Returns the file name extension used by path.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.Ext function.

{{ filepath.Ext "/tmp/foo.csv" }} // .csv


Returns the result of replacing each slash (/) character in the path with the platform's separator character.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.FromSlash function.

{{ filepath.FromSlash "/foo/bar" }} // /foo/bar


Reports whether the path is absolute.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.IsAbs function.

{{ (filepath.IsAbs "/tmp/foo.csv") }} // true


Joins any number of path elements into a single path, adding a separator if necessary.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.Join function.

{{ filepath.Join "/tmp" "foo" "bar" }} // /tmp/foo/bar


Reports whether name matches the shell file name pattern.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.Match function.

{{ filepath.Match "*.csv" "foo.csv" }} // true


Returns a relative path that is lexically equivalent to targetpath when joined to basepath with an intervening separator.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.Rel function.

{{ filepath.Rel "/a" "/a/b/c" }} // b/c


Splits path immediately following the final path separator, separating it into a directory and file name component.

The function returns an array with two values, the first being the diretory, and the second the file.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.Split function.

{{ $p := filepath.Split "/tmp/foo" }}{{ $dir := index $p 0 }}{{ $file := index $p 1 }}dir is {{$dir}}, file is {{$file}} // dir is /tmp/, file is foo


Returns the result of replacing each separator character in path with a slash (/) character.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.ToSlash function.

{{ filepath.ToSlash "/foo/bar" }} // /foo/bar


Returns the leading volume name. Given C:\foo\bar it returns C: on Windows. Given a UNC like \\host\share\foo it returns \\host\share. On other platforms it returns an empty string.

A wrapper for Go's filepath.VolumeName function.

{{ filepath.VolumeName "C:/foo/bar" }} //  C:
{{ filepath.VolumeName "/foo/bar" }} //


Returns the absolute value of a given number. When the input is an integer, the result will be an int64, otherwise it will be a float64.

{{ math.Abs -3.5 }} {{ math.Abs 3.5 }} {{ math.Abs -42 }} // 3.5 3.5 42


Adds all given operators. When one of the inputs is a floating-point number, the result will be a float64, otherwise it will be an int64.

{{ math.Add 1 2 3 4 }} {{ math.Add 1.5 2 3 }} // 10 6.5


Returns the least integer value greater than or equal to a given floating-point number. This wraps Go's math.Ceil.

Note: the return value of this function is a float64 so that the special-cases NaN and Inf can be returned appropriately.

{{ range (slice 5.1 42 "3.14" "0xFF" "NaN" "Inf" "-0") }}ceil {{ printf "%#v" . }} = {{ math.Ceil . }}{{"\n"}}{{ end }}

// ceil 5.1 = 6
// ceil 42 = 42
// ceil "3.14" = 4
// ceil "0xFF" = 255
// ceil "NaN" = NaN
// ceil "Inf" = +Inf
// ceil "-0" = 0


Divide the first number by the second. Division by zero is disallowed. The result will be a float64.

{{ math.Div 8 2 }} {{ math.Div 3 2 }} // 4 1.5


Returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to a given floating-point number. This wraps Go's math.Floor.

Note: the return value of this function is a float64 so that the special-cases NaN and Inf can be returned appropriately.

{{ range (slice 5.1 42 "3.14" "0xFF" "NaN" "Inf" "-0") }}floor {{ printf "%#v" . }} = {{ math.Floor . }}{{"\n"}}{{ end }}

// floor 5.1 = 4
// floor 42 = 42
// floor "3.14" = 3
// floor "0xFF" = 255
// floor "NaN" = NaN
// floor "Inf" = +Inf
// floor "-0" = 0


Returns whether or not the given number can be interpreted as a floating-point literal, as defined by the Go language reference.

Note: If a decimal point is part of the input number, it will be considered a floating-point number, even if the decimal is 0.

{{ range (slice 1.0 "-1.0" 5.1 42 "3.14" "foo" "0xFF" "NaN" "Inf" "-0") }}{{ if (math.IsFloat .) }}{{.}} is a float{{"\n"}}{{ end }}{{end}}

// 1 is a float
// -1.0 is a float
// 5.1 is a float
// 3.14 is a float
// NaN is a float
// Inf is a float


Returns whether or not the given number is an integer.

{{ range (slice 1.0 "-1.0" 5.1 42 "3.14" "foo" "0xFF" "NaN" "Inf" "-0") }}{{ if (math.IsInt .) }}{{.}} is an integer{{"\n"}}{{ end }}{{end}}

// 42 is an integer
// 0xFF is an integer
// -0 is an integer


Returns whether the given input is a number. Useful for if conditions.

{{ math.IsNum "foo" }}  // false
{{ math.IsNum 0xDeadBeef }} // true


Returns the largest number provided. If any values are floating-point numbers, a float64 is returned, otherwise an int64 is returned. The same special-cases as Go's math.Max are followed.

{{ math.Max 0 8.0 4.5 "-1.5e-11" }} // 8


Returns the smallest number provided. If any values are floating-point numbers, a float64 is returned, otherwise an int64 is returned. The same special-cases as Go's math.Min are followed.

{{ math.Min 0 8 4.5 "-1.5e-11" }} // -1.5e-11


Multiply all given operators together.

{{ math.Mul 8 8 2 }} // 128


Calculate an exponent - bn. This wraps Go's math.Pow. If any values are floating-point numbers, a float64 is returned, otherwise an int64 is returned.

{{ math.Pow 10 2 }} // 100
{{ math.Pow 2 32 }} // 4294967296
{{ math.Pow 1.5 2 }} // 2.2


Return the remainder from an integer division operation.

{{ math.Rem 5 3 }} // 2
{{ math.Rem -5 3 }} // -2


Returns the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero.

Note: the return value of this function is a float64 so that the special-cases NaN and Inf can be returned appropriately.

{{ range (slice -6.5 5.1 42.9 "3.5" 6.5) }}round {{ printf "%#v" . }} = {{ math.Round . }}{{"\n"}}{{ end }}

// round -6.5 = -7
// round 5.1 = 5
// round 42.9 = 43
// round "3.5" = 4
// round 6.5 = 7


Return a sequence from start to end, in steps of step. Can handle counting down as well as up, including with negative numbers. Note that the sequence may not end at end, if end is not divisible by step.

{{ range (math.Seq 5) }}{{.}} {{end}} // 1 2 3 4 5
{{ conv.Join (math.Seq 10 -3 2) ", " }} // 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, -2


Subtract the second from the first of the given operators. When one of the inputs is a floating-point number, the result will be a float64, otherwise it will be an int64.

{{ math.Sub 3 1 }} // 2



Returns the last element of path. Trailing slashes are removed before extracting the last element. If the path is empty, Base returns .. If the path consists entirely of slashes, Base returns /.

A wrapper for Go's path.Base function.

{{ path.Base "/tmp/foo" }} // foo


Clean returns the shortest path name equivalent to path by purely lexical processing.

A wrapper for Go's path.Clean function.

{{ path.Clean "/tmp//foo/../" }} // /tmp


Returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory.

A wrapper for Go's path.Dir function.

{{ path.Dir "/tmp/foo" }} // /tmp


Returns the file name extension used by path.

{{ path.Ext "/tmp/foo.csv" }} // .csv


Reports whether the path is absolute.

A wrapper for Go's path.IsAbs function.

{{  (path.IsAbs "/tmp/foo.csv") }} // true
{{ (path.IsAbs "../foo.csv") }} // false


Joins any number of path elements into a single path, adding a separating slash if necessary.

A wrapper for Go's path.Join function.

{{ path.Join "/tmp" "foo" "bar" }} // /tmp/foo/bar


Reports whether name matches the shell file name pattern.

A wrapper for Go's path.Match function.

{{ path.Match "*.csv" "foo.csv" }} // true


Splits path immediately following the final slash, separating it into a directory and file name component.

The function returns an array with two values, the first being the directory, and the second the file.

A wrapper for Go's path.Split function.

{{ index (path.Split "/tmp/foo") }} // tmp



Generates a random string of a desired length, containing the set of printable characters from the 7-bit ASCII set. This includes space (' '), but no other whitespace characters.

{{ random.ASCII 8 }} // _woJ%D&K


Generates a random alphabetical (A-Z, a-z) string of a desired length.

{{ random.Alpha 42 }} // oAqHKxHiytYicMxTMGHnUnAfltPVZDhFkVkgDvatJK


Generates a random alphanumeric (0-9, A-Z, a-z) string of a desired length.

{{ random.AlphaNum 16 }} // 4olRl9mRmVp1nqSm


Generates a random string of a desired length.

By default, the possible characters are those represented by the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_.-] (alphanumeric, plus _, ., and -).

A different set of characters can be specified with a regular expression, or by giving a range of possible characters by specifying the lower and upper bounds. Lower/upper bounds can be specified as characters (e.g. "q", or escape sequences such as "\U0001f0AF"), or numeric Unicode code-points (e.g. 48 or 0x30 for the character 0).

When given a range of Unicode code-points, random.String will discard non-printable characters from the selection. This may result in a much smaller set of possible characters than intended, so check the Unicode character code charts to verify the correct code-points.

{{ random.String 8 }} // FODZ01u_
{{ random.String 16 `[[:xdigit:]]` }} // B9e0527C3e45E1f3
{{ random.String 20 `[\p{Canadian_Aboriginal}]` }} // ᗄᖖᣡᕔᕫᗝᖴᒙᗌᘔᓰᖫᗵᐕᗵᙔᗠᓅᕎᔹ
{{ random.String 8 "c" "m" }} // ffmidgjc


Pick an element at a random from a given slice or array.

{{ random.Item (seq 0 5) }} // 4
{{'["red", "green", "blue"]' | jsonArray | random.Item }} // blue


Pick a random integer. By default, a number between 0 and 100 (inclusive) is chosen, but this range can be overridden.

Note that the difference between min and max can not be larger than a 63-bit integer (i.e. the unsigned portion of a 64-bit signed integer). The result is given as an int64.

{{ random.Number }} // 55
{{ random.Number -10 10 }} // -3
{{ random.Number 5 }} // 2


Pick a random decimal floating-point number. By default, a number between 0.0 and 1.0 (exclusive, i.e. [0.0,1.0)) is chosen, but this range can be overridden.

The result is given as a float64.

{{ random.Float }} // 0.2029946480303966
{{ random.Float 100 }} // 71.28595374161743
{{ random.Float -100 200 }} // 105.59119437834909



Returns a string holding the text of the leftmost match in input of the regular expression expression.

This function provides the same behavior as Go's regexp.FindString function.

{{ regexp.Find "[a-z]{3}" "foobar"}} // foo

no {{ "will not match" | regexp.Find "[0-9]" }}numbers // no numbers


Returns a list of all successive matches of the regular expression.

This can be called with 2 or 3 arguments. When called with 2 arguments, the n argument (number of matches) will be set to -1, causing all matches to be returned.

This function provides the same behavior as Go's regexp.FindAllString function.

{{ regexp.FindAll "[a-z]{3}" "foobar" | toJSON}} // ["foo", "bar"]

{{ "foo bar baz qux" | regexp.FindAll "[a-z]{3}" 3 | toJSON}} // ["foo", "bar", "baz"]


Returns true if a given regular expression matches a given input.

This returns a boolean which can be used in an if condition, for example.

{{ "hairyhenderson"| regexp.Match `^h`) }} // true


Escapes all regular expression metacharacters in the input. The returned string is a regular expression matching the literal text.

This function provides the same behavior as Go's regexp.QuoteMeta function.

{{ `{hello}` | regexp.QuoteMeta }} // \{hello\}


Replaces matches of a regular expression with the replacement string.

The replacement is substituted after expanding variables beginning with $.

This function provides the same behavior as Go's regexp.ReplaceAllString function.

{{ regexp.Replace "(foo)bar" "$1" "foobar"}} // foo
{{ regexp.Replace "(?P<first>[a-zA-Z]+) (?P<last>[a-zA-Z]+)" "${last}, ${first}" "Alan Turing"}} // Turing, Alan


Replaces matches of a regular expression with the replacement string.

The replacement is substituted directly, without expanding variables beginning with $.

This function provides the same behavior as Go's regexp.ReplaceAllLiteralString function.

{{ regexp.ReplaceLiteral "(foo)bar" "$1" "foobar"}} // $1

{{ `,baz` | regexp.ReplaceLiteral `\W` `$` }} // foo$bar$baz


Splits input into sub-strings, separated by the expression.

This can be called with 2 or 3 arguments. When called with 2 arguments, the n argument (number of matches) will be set to -1, causing all sub-strings to be returned.

This is equivalent to strings.SplitN, except that regular expressions are supported.

This function provides the same behavior as Go's regexp.Split function.

{{ regexp.Split `[\s,.]` "foo bar,baz.qux" | toJSON}} // ["foo","bar","baz","qux"]
{{ "foo bar.baz,qux" | regexp.Split `[\s,.]` 3 | toJSON}} // ["foo","bar","baz"]



Abbreviates a string using ... (ellipses). Takes an optional offset from the beginning of the string, and a maximum final width (including added ellipses).

Also see strings.Trunc.

{{ "foobarbazquxquux" | strings.Abbrev 9 }} // foobar...
{{ "foobarbazquxquux" | strings.Abbrev 6 9 }} // ...baz...


Reports whether a substring is contained within a string.

{{  "foo" | strings.Contains "f" }} // true


Tests whether a string begins with a certain prefix.

{{ "" | strings.HasSuffix "http://")}} // true


Tests whether a string ends with a certain suffix.

{{if not ("" | strings.HasSuffix ":80")}}:80{{end}} // :80


Indents a string. If the input string has multiple lines, each line will be indented.

This function can be especially useful when adding YAML snippets into other YAML documents, where indentation is important:

{{ `{"bar": {"baz": 2}}` | json | toYAML | strings.Indent " " }}
{{- `{"qux": true}` | json | toYAML | strings.Indent " " }}
{{ `{"quuz": 42}` | json | toYAML | strings.Indent " " -}}
baz: 2
qux: true
quuz: 42

Sort (deprecated)

Deprecation Notice: Use coll.Sort instead

Returns an alphanumerically-sorted copy of a given string list.

{{ (slice "foo" "bar" "baz") | strings.Sort }} // [bar baz foo]


Creates a slice by splitting a string on a given delimiter.

Use on its own to produce an array:

{{ "Bart,Lisa,Maggie" | strings.Split "," }} // [Bart Lisa Maggie]

Use in combination with range to iterate over all items:

{{range ("Bart,Lisa,Maggie" | strings.Split ",") }}Hello, {{.}}{{end}}
// Hello, Bart
// Hello, Lisa
// Hello, Maggie

Use in combination with index function to pick a specific value from the resulting array

{{index ("Bart,Lisa,Maggie" | strings.Split ",") 0 }} // Bart


Creates a slice by splitting a string on a given delimiter. The count determines the number of substrings to return.

{{ range ("foo:bar:baz" | strings.SplitN ":" 2) }}{{.}}{{end}}
// foo
// bar:baz


Surrounds an input string with double-quote characters ("). If the input is not a string, converts first. " characters in the input are first escaped with a \ character.

{{ "in" | quote }} // "in"
{{ strings.Quote 500 }} // "500"


Returns a new string consisting of count copies of the input string.

It errors if count is negative or if the length of input multiplied by count overflows.

This wraps Go's strings.Repeat.

{{ "hello " | strings.Repeat 5 }} // hello hello hello hello hello


Replaces all occurrences of a given string with another.

{{ strings.ReplaceAll "." "-" "" }} // 172-21-1-42
{{ "" | strings.ReplaceAll "." "-" }} // 172-21-1-42


Creates a a "slug" from a given string - supports Unicode correctly. This wraps the package. See the docs for more information.

{{ "Hello, world!" | strings.Slug }} // hello-world


Given a string, emits a version of that string that will evaluate to its literal data when expanded by any POSIX-compliant shell. Given an array or slice, emit a single string which will evaluate to a series of shell words, one per item in that array or slice.

{{ slice "one word" "foo='bar baz'" | shellQuote }}
// 'one word' 'foo='"'"'bar baz'"'"''
{{ strings.ShellQuote "it's a banana" }}
// 'it'"'"'s a banana'


Surrounds an input string with a single-quote (apostrophe) character ('). If the input is not a string, converts first.

' characters in the input are first escaped in the YAML-style (by repetition: '').

{{ "in" | squote }} // 'in'
{{ "it's a banana" | squote }} // 'it''s a banana'


Convert to title-case.

{{strings.Title "hello, world!"}} // Hello, World!


Convert to lower-case.

{{strings.ToLower "HELLO, WORLD!"}} // hello, world!


Convert to upper-case.

{{strings.ToUpper "hello, world!"}} // HELLO, WORLD!


Trims a string by removing the given characters from the beginning and end of the string.

{{ "_-foo-_" | strings.Trim "_-" }} //foo


Returns a string without the provided leading prefix string, if the prefix is present.

This wraps Go's strings.TrimPrefix.

{{ "hello, world" | strings.TrimPrefix "hello, " }} // world


Trims a string by removing whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.

{{ "  \n\t foo" | strings.TrimSpace }} // foo


Returns a string without the provided trailing suffix string, if the suffix is present.

This wraps Go's strings.TrimSuffix.

{{ "hello, world" | strings.TrimSuffix "world" }}jello // hello, jello


Returns a string truncated to the given length.

Also see strings.Abbrev.

{{ "hello, world" | strings.Trunc 5 }} // hello


Converts a sentence to CamelCase, i.e. The quick brown fox becomes TheQuickBrownFox.

All non-alphanumeric characters are stripped, and the beginnings of words are upper-cased. If the input begins with a lower-case letter, the result will also begin with a lower-case letter.

See CamelCase on Wikipedia for more details.

{{ "Hello, World!" | strings.CamelCase }} // HelloWorld

{{ "hello jello" | strings.CamelCase }} // helloJello


Converts a sentence to snake_case, i.e. The quick brown fox becomes The_quick_brown_fox.

All non-alphanumeric characters are stripped, and spaces are replaced with an underscore (_). If the input begins with a lower-case letter, the result will also begin with a lower-case letter.

See Snake Case on Wikipedia for more details.

{{ "Hello, World!" | strings.SnakeCase }} // Hello_world
{{ "hello jello" | strings.SnakeCase }} // hello_jello


Converts a sentence to kebab-case, i.e. The quick brown fox becomes The-quick-brown-fox. All non-alphanumeric characters are stripped, and spaces are replaced with a hyphen (-). If the input begins with a lower-case letter, the result will also begin with a lower-case letter. See Kebab Case on Wikipedia for more details.

{{ "Hello, World!" | strings.KebabCase }} // Hello-world
{{ "hello jello" | strings.KebabCase }} // hello-jello


Inserts new line breaks into the input string so it ends up with lines that are at most width characters wide. The line-breaking algorithm is naïve and greedy: lines are only broken between words (i.e. on whitespace characters), and no effort is made to "smooth" the line endings. When words that are longer than the desired width are encountered (e.g. long URLs), they are not broken up. Correctness is valued above line length.

The line-break sequence defaults to \n (i.e. the LF/Line Feed character), regardless of OS.

{{ "Hello, World!" | strings.WordWrap 7 }} // Hello,
{{ strings.WordWrap 20 "\\\n" "a string with a long url which should not be broken" }} // a string with a long
which should not be


Return the number of runes (Unicode code-points) contained within the input. This is similar to the built-in len function, but len counts the length in bytes. The length of an input containing multi-byte code-points should therefore be measured with strings.RuneCount.

Inputs will first be converted to strings, and multiple inputs are concatenated.

This wraps Go's utf8.RuneCountInString function.

{{ range (slice "\u03a9" "\u0030" "\u1430") }}{{ printf "%s is %d bytes and %d runes\n" . (len .) (strings.RuneCount .) }}{{ end }}
// Ω is 2 bytes and 1 runes
// 0 is 1 bytes and 1 runes
// ᐰ is 3 bytes and 1 runes


See strings.Contains for a pipeline-compatible version

Contains reports whether the second string is contained within the first. Equivalent to strings.Contains

{{ $FOO := "foo" }}
{{ if contains $FOO "f" }}yes{{ else }}no{{ end }} // yes


See strings.HasPrefix for a pipeline-compatible version

Tests whether the string begins with a certain substring. Equivalent to strings.HasPrefix

{{ $URL := "" }}
{{ if hasPrefix $URL "https" }}foo{{ else }}bar{{ end }} // bar


See strings.HasSuffix for a pipeline-compatible version

Tests whether the string ends with a certain substring. Equivalent to strings.HasSuffix

{{ $URL := "" }}
{{ $URL }}{{ if not (hasSuffix $URL ":80") }}:80{{ end }} //


See strings.Split for a pipeline-compatible version

Creates a slice by splitting a string on a given delimiter. Equivalent to strings.Split

{{ range split "Bart,Lisa,Maggie" "," }}
Hello, {{ . }}
{{ end }}

// Hello, Bart
// Hello, Lisa
// Hello, Maggie


See strings.SplitN for a pipeline-compatible version

Creates a slice by splitting a string on a given delimiter. The count determines the number of substrings to return. Equivalent to strings.SplitN

{{ range splitN "foo:bar:baz" ":" 2 }}
{{ . }}
{{ end }}

// foo
// bar:baz


See strings.Trim for a pipeline-compatible version

Trims a string by removing the given characters from the beginning and end of the string. Equivalent to strings.Trim

{{trim "  world " " "}} // world



Cause template generation to fail immediately, with an optional message.

{{ fail }} // template: <arg>:1:3: executing "<arg>" at <fail>: error calling fail: template generation failed
{{ test.Fail "something is wrong!" }} // template: <arg>:1:7: executing "<arg>" at <test.Fail>: error calling Fail: template generation failed: something is wrong!


Report whether the argument is of the given Kind. Can be used to render different templates depending on the kind of data.

See the Go reflect source code for the complete list, but these are some common values:

  • string
  • bool
  • int, int64, uint64
  • float64
  • slice
  • map
  • invalid (a catch-all, usually just nil values)

In addition, the special kind number is accepted by this function, to represent any numeric kind (whether float32, uint8, or whatever). This is useful when the specific numeric type is unknown.

See also test.Kind.

{{ $data := "hello world" }}
{{ if isKind "string" $data }}{{ $data }} is a string{{ end }}

// hello world is a string
{{ $object := dict "key1" true "key2" "foobar" }}
{{ if test.IsKind "map" $object }}
Got a map:
{{ range $key, $value := $object }}
- "{{ $key }}": {{ $value }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if test.IsKind "number" $object }}
Got a number: {{ $object }}
{{ end }}

// Got a map:
// - "key1": true
// - "key2": foobar


Report the kind of the given argument. This differs from the type of the argument in specificity; for example, while a slice of strings may have a type of []string, the kind of that slice will simply be slice. If you need to know the precise type of a value, use printf "%T" $value.

See also test.IsKind

{{ kind "hello world" }} // string
{{ dict "key1" true "key2" "foobar" | test.Kind }} // map


Returns one of two values depending on whether the third is true. Note that the third value does not have to be a boolean - it is converted first by the conv.ToBool function (values like true, 1, "true", "Yes", etc... are considered true).

This is effectively a short-form of the following template:

{{ if conv.ToBool $condition }}{{ $truevalue }}{{ else }}{{ $falsevalue }}{{ end }}

Keep in mind that using an explicit if/else block is often easier to understand than ternary expressions!

{{ ternary "FOO" "BAR" false }} // BAR
{{ ternary "FOO" "BAR" "yes" }} // FOO



Returns the current local time, as a time.Time. This wraps time.Now.

Usually, further functions are called using the value returned by Now.

Usage with UTC and Format:

{{ (time.Now).UTC.Format "Day 2 of month 1 in year 2006 (timezone MST)" }} // Day 14 of month 10 in year 2017 (timezone UTC)

Usage with AddDate:

$ date
Sat Oct 14 09:57:02 EDT 2017
{{ ((time.Now).AddDate 0 1 0).Format "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006" }} // Tue Nov 14 09:57:02 EST 2017

(notice how the TZ adjusted for daylight savings!) Usage with IsDST:

{{ $t := time.Now }}At the tone, the time will be {{ ($t.Round (time.Minute 1)).Add (time.Minute 1) }}.
It is{{ if not $t.IsDST }} not{{ end }} daylight savings time.
... ... BEEP

// At the tone, the time will be 2022-02-10 09:01:00 -0500 EST.
// It is not daylight savings time.
// ... ... BEEP


Parses a timestamp defined by the given layout. This wraps time.Parse.

A number of pre-defined layouts are provided as constants, defined here.

Just like time.Now, this is usually used in conjunction with other functions.

Note: In the absence of a time zone indicator, time.Parse returns a time in UTC.

Usage with Format:

{{ (time.Parse "2006-01-02" "1993-10-23").Format "Monday January 2, 2006 MST" }} // Saturday October 23, 1993 UTC


Parses a duration string. This wraps time.ParseDuration.

A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as 300ms, -1.5h or 2h45m. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.

{{ (time.Now).Format time.Kitchen }} // 12:43AM
{{ ((time.Now).Add (time.ParseDuration "2h30m")).Format time.Kitchen }} // 3:13AM


Same as time.Parse, except that in the absence of a time zone indicator, the timestamp wil be parsed in the local timezone.

Usage with Format:

{{ (time.ParseLocal time.Kitchen "6:00AM").Format "15:04 MST" }} // 06:00 EST


Same as time.Parse, except that the time is parsed in the given location's time zone.

This wraps time.ParseInLocation.

Usage with Format:

{{ (time.ParseInLocation time.Kitchen "Africa/Luanda" "6:00AM").Format "15:04 MST" }} // 06:00 LMT


Returns the time elapsed since a given time. This wraps time.Since.

It is shorthand for time.Now.Sub t.

{{ $t := time.Parse time.RFC3339 "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" }}time since the epoch:{{ time.Since $t }} // 423365h0m24.353828924s


Returns the local Time corresponding to the given Unix time, in seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC. Note that fractional seconds can be used to denote milliseconds, but must be specified as a string, not a floating point number.

with whole seconds:

{{ (time.Unix 42).UTC.Format time.Stamp}} // Jan  1, 00:00:42

with fractional seconds:

{{ (time.Unix "123456.789").UTC.Format time.StampMilli}} // Jan  2 10:17:36.789


Returns the duration until a given time. This wraps time.Until.

It is shorthand for $t.Sub time.Now.

{{ $t := time.Parse time.RFC3339 "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" }}only {{ time.Until $t }} to go... // only 14922h56m46.578625891s to go...

Or, less precise:

{{ $t := time.Parse time.RFC3339 "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" }}only {{ (time.Until $t).Round (time.Hour 1) }} to go... // only 14923h0m0s to go...


Return the local system's time zone's name.

{{time.ZoneName}} // EDT


Return the local system's time zone offset, in seconds east of UTC.

{{time.ZoneOffset}} // -14400



Create a version 1 UUID (based on the current MAC address and the current date/time).

Use uuid.V4 instead in most cases.

{{ uuid.V1 }} // 4d757e54-446d-11e9-a8fa-72000877c7b0


Create a version 4 UUID (randomly generated).

This function consumes entropy.

{{ uuid.V4 }} // 40b3c2d2-e491-4b19-94cd-461e6fa35a60


Returns the nil UUID, that is, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, mostly for testing scenarios.

{{ uuid.Nil }} // 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


Checks that the given UUID is in the correct format. It does not validate whether the version or variant are correct.

{{ if uuid.IsValid "totally invalid" }}valid{{ else }}invalid{{ end }} // invalid
{{ uuid.IsValid "urn:uuid:12345678-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba9876543210" }} // true


Parse a UUID for further manipulation or inspection.

This function returns a UUID struct, as defined in the package. See the docs for examples of functions or fields you can call.

Both the standard UUID forms of xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx and urn:uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx are decoded as well as the Microsoft encoding {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} and the raw hex encoding (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).

{{ $u := uuid.Parse uuid.V4 }}{{ $u.Version }}, {{ $u.Variant}} // VERSION_4, RFC4122
{{ (uuid.Parse "000001f5-4470-21e9-9b00-72000877c7b0").Domain }} // Person